Wine? Really?
Well, we weren’t expecting the cellar to be filled with wine. But why not? It makes a lot of sense as liquor is best stored underground. It preserves it better in the coolness and helps it last for years to come.

Wine Cellar
So is this whole setup just a wine cellar, or does Wayne have more plans for this bunker?
No, There’s More
A shipping container like this one is so useful for a number of different needs. From the picture, you can see that there is plenty of storage space that could be suitable to store your Christmas decorations and other seldom-used items, along with a store of non-perishable food items in case of emergency.

No Theres More
What would happen to you and your family if there is a natural disaster or another serious emergency? Now Wayne has his very own shelter in which to hunker down if it ever became necessary to do so. It could provide relief for just a couple of hours or even a few days if necessary. It’s a worthwhile effort since it doesn’t even take up much space in his yard, given that most of its underground.