Six Inches Deep
If you thought a thin layer on top of the bunker would do, think again. Wayne poured six inches over the top of the whole bunker, which might seem like a lot. But Wayne was intent on making the bunker strong, safe and secure and has ensured that it can take whatever rain and snow the sky can drop.

Six Inches Deep
Now that the exterior is pretty much done and dusted, Wayne can turn his attention to the interior of the project.
More Concrete Blocks
After the original concrete dried, Wayne went back to the entrance and added in more concrete blocks through the rebar. He really wanted it to be strong and secure.

More Concrete Blocks
The entrance would be the only part of the bunker directly exposed to the elements, so Wayne decided that more protection would be good. The door is going to take a beating, so if it’s possible to protect it further from poor weather and animals, that would be better. Now that the outside is complete, its time to take a walk downstairs and have a look at what the interior is like.