Professional Checkup
Once they arrived at the vet, Paul and Jill had time to recover from the shock. What on earth was it? Paul wondered if it was some kind of wild animal he’d never seen, or at the very least maybe a strange variation of a well-known animal he had just never heard of. The vets were equally baffled. This was unlike anything they’d seen before! They did identify it though.

Professional Checkup
Large Feline
Soon enough, after the vets took a good look it became clear that this was, in fact, a cat! The amount of fur this cat had on it, along with its fear that made it curl up, meant that no one immediately recognized it for what it was. After a great deal of discussion back and forth, they eventually reached a consensus. They would have to anesthetize the creature. That was the most sensible move to make.

Large Feline