Suddenly, there was a loud screech, a sound that echoed inside Paul’s head, when he heard a frightful thump coming from the end of the hallway, in the bathroom.
His legs, now only moving him forward by sheer force of will, were trembling by the time he reached the bathroom door. He used his foot to gently kick the door open, and then reached his shaking hand over to pull back the shower curtain.

A Hiding Place
As he pulled back the shower curtain gingerly with one flick on his hand, the fear lifted off of Paul like a heavy blanket as he stared in utter relief at the obviously hungry Siam, huddled against the side of the tub. As he weighed up the options, being a little unsure of how to proceed with the unhappy cat, a different noise sounded from the darkness, froze Paul’s blood.

A Hiding Place