The sight in the hallway did not prepare Paul for the smell that suddenly overwhelmed him as he entered the house. Every available bit of space in the house was stacked with trash nearly to the ceiling. Boxes, some full and others empty, years worth of newspapers, broken furniture, and near-endless dishes stacked up all over the place. All the windows had been blacked out and the strange scratch marks all over the walls filled Paul with no small amount of worry.

Peculiar Sensation
Moving slowly through the house, observing the state of things, and seeing those animalistic claw marks, got Paul thinking of all sorts of creepy crawlies like giant rats, or snakes, or worse.
With every step he took, he was trying not to think the worts but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching him intently. “Where is Siam?” thought Paul aloud, trying not to let his imagination get the better of him.

Peculiar Sensation