Most Unexpected

Most Unexpected
You don’t expect to walk into a scene from some crossover version between Hoarders and Alien, that is until you do. Like what happened to Paul Russel when he went to check in on his relative’s house. His heart was beating audibly as he shone the flashlight towards the bed, momentarily illuminating an unidentifiable creature with a deep growl, moving so fast that Paul could barely keep the light on it as it zipped away and down into the cellar.
Time To Decide
Paul’s relative was a distant relation, but when the old man suddenly fell ill, he needed to be moved away from his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to be closer to his children who were going to care for him in his dotage. The old man had been living in the house all alone for many years and no one can blame his family for not knowing of the eminent chain of events they had started when they took the old guy away.

Time To Decide