Emotional Manipulation
Kate responded to Richard with the insistence that the boys were definitely his, regardless of what science had to tell. If this insincere and misleading reply was supposed to placate Richard, he was not going to fall for it. She was running away from the truth, which only further incensed Richard, who would now engage her at her level. It was time to forget about Kate, and go straight to the source, one that he never wanted to approach.
Richard then approached his oldest son, who was at the time enrolled at a varsity, informing him of his condition, despite the emotional trauma it could have caused the young man. If Richard was afraid that his son would not take the tragic news well, he was in for a shocking response from his estranged son. Strangely, Richard revealed that his son responded strangely sedately. He did not seem to bothered by his father’s health and family-related revelation.