A Navy Seal Who Is Fed Up With Porch Pirates Devises The Perfect Trap

Published on 11/12/2021

Hardware Store

Arthur went to the hardware store after finishing his supply list to purchase everything he needed to create his revenge box. Did the cashier guess what he was up to as he headed out the door?

Hardware Store

Hardware Store

He was aware of how it would most likely seem, but he didn’t care. He was under no need to explain anything to them, and they were free to assume whatever assumptions they wanted – even if those assumptions proved out to be correct.


Setting Up

For the remainder of the day, Arthur worked on putting his gadget together and making a box that looked like it belonged in an official product packing for the device.

Setting Up

Setting Up

He took a step back and stared at his piece of art with awe and admiration when he was completed. He took it out for a full test drive in his own backyard and broke out laughing when it functioned just as he had said it would do.