A Navy Seal Who Is Fed Up With Porch Pirates Devises The Perfect Trap

Published on 11/12/2021

Chinese Finger Trap

He began constructing a box that was quite intricate. However, after some consideration, he concluded that a more straightforward method was preferable.

Chinese Finger Trap

Chinese Finger Trap

The trap contained a snare that he had adapted to look nearly like a Chinese finger trap, which he had set up. However, he was dissatisfied with the outcome. He wanted more, but he desired it in a different manner. He wished for the thief to be remorseful for ever having crossed him.


Something More…Explosive!

It took him a long time to get to the point where he was happy with the final result. Rather of using snares, he opted for something a bit more… explosive!

Something More Explosive

Something More Explosive

He completely ditched the initial concept and began working on a totally different one. It dawned on him after he had written lists of all the things he could accomplish. He’d simply have to make sure everything was set up perfectly so no one got injured.