Support of Condemnation
As the post went viral on Facebook, Chris and his son started receiving overwhelming support on the condemnation of the teacher’s behavior. There were some people who had nothing good to say and supported the teacher’s comment, but they were in the minority. They voiced their concerns and opinions, and this somehow made dad and son felt vindicated. There was now no doubt left in their minds: this teacher had crossed the line. Justice had to be served!

Support Of Condemnation
Teaching – Not Just A Job
A teacher’s responsibility is more than achieving good grades from their students but also to ensure they are happy while learning. A classroom is a place filled with many different children, each with their own self-esteem and dreams. A teacher has to nurture the spirits of children and not destroy them. Teaching is more than a job but a passion. Only those that adore working with children and respect them should become an admirable teacher.

Teaching Not Just A Job