Rude Customers Leaving 40 Trashy Tips On The Table.

Published on 09/16/2021

Got A Problem With Your Steak?

What can we say? We can’t help but believe that leaving two cents as a tip is more disrespectful than leaving nothing at all — particularly when it’s accompanied with a patronizing remark like, “Ur tip, hun.”

Got A Problem With Your Steak

Got A Problem With Your Steak

It appears that this client was dissatisfied with the way their steak was cooked in the end. After all, why didn’t they simply inform their server straight away, if such was the case? It’s likely that the issue might have been resolved very easily.


What Am I Going To Do With Your Car Wash Token?

Really?! Suppose a client left a phony coin, which had no monetary value, together with a carwash token in place of a tip for their server? Are you saying that they felt comfortable leaving the restaurant after that? We can’t help but shake our heads and ask aloud, “What has gone wrong with humanity?”

What Am I Going To Do With Your Car Wash Token

What Am I Going To Do With Your Car Wash Token

This image demonstrates that individuals have little regard for the consequences of their actions. Clearly, this waiter or waitress is fed up with their work.