Rude Customers Leaving 40 Trashy Tips On The Table.

Published on 09/16/2021

Life As A Single Mom Really Is Hard

It’s easy to see why this woman didn’t feel obligated to tip her server. After all, being a single mother must be tough financially. We couldn’t help but alter our minds when we learned that this woman had been out drinking with her pals, and we couldn’t stop ourselves from shaking our heads.

Life As A Single Mom Really Is Hard

Life As A Single Mom Really Is Hard

Take it seriously: If finding money to pay for your baby’s diapers is so tough, you shouldn’t be partying or wasting your money on frivolous stuff in the first place!


Have You Not Heard Of A Little Thing Called “Human Decency?”

Wait a minute. Is it likely we misread something? Was it true that this person didn’t tip their waitress because of her appearance? Is it possible that they have never heard of a tiny thing known as “human decency”? When receiving the worst service possible, it is acceptable to tip less–or not at all.

Have You Not Heard Of A Little Thing Called Human Decency

Have You Not Heard Of A Little Thing Called Human Decency

It’s another thing to penalize someone based on their looks. If we’re being honest, we don’t believe that this individual deserves to be served on again…