Hitting it Off
The pair started their lengthy conversation, discussing their times on the force, but this was just the introductory subject. Time started to pass as the younger officer forgot about his duties as he was so enthralled with the older retiree’s life and lessons. The younger officer was enjoying all the wisdom that the retired Bailly had to share. The topic moved onto more extraordinary matters when Michael became interested as to where the older retiree had come from.

Hitting It Off
Incredible Chances
The conversation between the two men had started off light and humorous, but they would soon move onto more serious topics. What began as a friendly chat soon evolved into quite a personal exchange. The retiree discussed his time serving in a place quite a long way away, something which surprised Patterson intensely, and not just because of the distance. This was where he had been born and raised! How had they come to meet one another after all this time?

Incredible Chances