Same Day, Different Drama
His morning proceeded in a mundane and unsuspecting fashion. Being a policeman meant scrutinizing the highways and roads, something he was greatly committed to. His mission was to bring peace and safety to the area around him. Patterson maintained a strong level of procedure, halting vehicles that were out of line. Anyone who faced his jurisdiction knew that they were going to be fined, as this was a cop that had built up quite the infamous reputation.

Same Day Different Drama
Tinting Against Regulation
It was during this average, daily process that one car, in particular, stole his attention while working at the Kingwood Township Highway. The sunny weather enveloped him as he pulled over a white BMW. The occupant did not break any speeding laws, but his windows had been tinted too much, breaking the law. While people are permitted a certain level of privacy with their tinting, if it is too dark, then it becomes a vision issue as the driver’s ability to see the road.

Tinting Against Regulation