A Young Man’s Unexpected Encounter With the Police

Published on 03/24/2020

The Process

PTSD in veterans causes them to be under the notion that they or those around them are under threat. Having spent so much time in a prolonged state of fear and threat, men and women like William will struggle to feel calm and safe in the normal world. They could also be under the impression that their lives are unmanageable. Such suffering is frequently experienced by former soldiers, something which William was trying to conquer throughout the program.

The Process

The Process



The policeman and William would eventually let each other go and say goodbye to one another, going on with their normal lives. But they would remember that moment for the rest of their lives. Jazwinski then went on a voyage of self-reflection following his intimate experience. It had sprung out of nowhere, and yet had left such a powerful mark on him. Just picturing the moment brought joy to his soul. William simply couldn’t go on without sharing this exchange.

