Jurassic Park Toys
During the 1990s, the Jurassic Park film was released and was one of the most-watched during the time. All of a sudden, children and adults alike were obsessed with dinosaurs again thanks to how epically Stephen Spielberg had brought the terrible lizards back to life. As such, the collectibles were popular among the film lovers, and if you own one of the rare kinds today, you could trade it in for an average of $1,200.
Super Soaker Gun
Water guns might be a dime a dozen these days, but there are some pioneer models that all the countless varieties available today would be nothing without, such as the Super Soaker. Water guns are still popular today and can be found in many toy stores. However, the first release by Lonnie Johnson in 1982 is a precious gem. If you still own one, it could go for $1000 or more. That is some seriously valuable water!