Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Brainstorming New Ideas

Because Claire was a big animal fan, she didn’t want to displace any of the creatures in the manor without making sure that they could survive elsewhere. This required a bit of a brainstorm, especially when it came to how to deal with the nesting crows. It took nearly five attempts to get them to move out of the house, and as it turns out the oldest trick in the book was the best solution. Bringing in a scarecrow was exactly what was needed to get the crows to move out.

Brainstorming New Ideas

Brainstorming New Ideas


Friends Trickle In

Over the course of the project, the couple enjoyed visits from friends who had wanted to come and help them out to get everything done. Some people traveled from various parts around the world, in order to make a contribution to this mammoth task. A few even offered to move in, in order to help fast-track things during some of the more difficult moments of the build. This kind of teamwork really helped Cal and Claire out, and they appreciated every little bit they could get.

Friends Trickle In

Friends Trickle In