Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Never Abandoning Hope

Although they have many challenges ahead, the couple has never abandoned hope that they would achieve their dream of renovating the manor into a liveable space. It’s easy to imagine that one or both of them might have lost hope during the course of the process. As it turns out, they always encourage each other to keep going, which not only shows their grit as individuals, but also showcases how strong their relationship is as a whole.

Never Abandoning Hope

Never Abandoning Hope


Taking Time To Rest Too

The renovation isn’t all work and no play. Claire and Cal are also committed to looking after themselves, and to working in some time for rest and recovery wherever possible. Although they haven’t taken an extended break from the renovation, they are always up for an afternoon nap if need be, just to get that extra burst of energy to help get through the rest of the list of things to do that day. Balance is key, especially with such a stressful project.

Taking Time To Rest Too

Taking Time To Rest Too