Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Getting Your Hands Dirty

There’s no way around it. A renovation project is always going to require you to get your hands dirty. If you’re not willing to dig into some of the challenges without forfeiting your clean clothes, you might not be the right person for the job. Dirt is one thing, but getting injured or having to tend to a wound is another problem entirely. Work gloves can help prevent either, which is why Cal and Claire had these at the top of their list.

Getting Your Hands Dirty

Getting Your Hands Dirty


The Thoughtful Gift

During the course of the project, Claire and Cal have been lucky to be gifted various items from supporters and loved ones who want to see them succeed. When someone sent them a few pairs of gloves to help out, they were quick to thank them on their social media accounts that very day. They also mentioned that they didn’t expect the gloves to last more than sixty minutes, which made their followers chuckle in the comments section.

The Thoughtful Gift

The Thoughtful Gift