Couple Embarks On DIY Adventure After Mistakenly Winning Auction Bid For Old Manor

Published on 05/20/2021

Fingers Crossed

Although the project is still years from being completed, everyone who has heard about the story has joined in on the process of keeping fingers crossed that everything will go well for Cal and Claire. Supportive messages have been pouring into their social media accounts for months, encouraging them to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of great adversity. There is little to worry about, however, as these two certainly have the determination to get through anything.

Fingers Crossed

Fingers Crossed


Working Through The Frustration

There can be no doubt about the fact that the process of doing a DIY renovation will have its fair share of frustrating days. Doing physical labor is another element that few people think about all too much. The couple is on their feet for hours on end each day, chipping away at their bigger goal of finishing the project and moving in to start the rest of their lives together. All they can do is take things one day at a time.

Working Through The Frustration

Working Through The Frustration