Darkness And Mystery
At some stage, Lydia encountered John, who she would end up marrying. Their new life together would be mostly normal, save for their occasional financial struggles. They would always pay the bills, but not without enormous labors. But this would just be one struggle in Lydia’s life. Beyond what seemed to be an eternity of money issues, Lydia would find that she would be plagued with all manner of challenges in her life, one that would take many interesting turns.

Darkness And Mystery
Welcoming Lydia
Lydia’s life has not been a walk in the park, to put it lightly. She was raised without siblings as an only child, and as a result, her mother was her best friend and the person that she loved to do things with the most. As for Lydia’s father, he could have not existed at all, given how absent he was in the young girl’s life. This would, as one can imagine, have a hugely negative effect on the child.

Welcoming Lydia