A Lady Kept Her Mother’s Ring On For 25 Years, When A Jeweler Looked At It For The First Time She Learned Something Very Shocking…

Published on 04/27/2021

Bottling It Up

Not long following her mom’s passing, Lydia had begun boozing. This was her way to numb the pain and get away from everything, and remove herself from reality. Many people will turn to substance abuse when life becomes too difficult to manage, and when the only person that loved and cared for you in your whole life passes away, you can be sure that it will be a destructive experience. John found Lydia’s new habit alarming, and he was highly concerned for his partner’s wellbeing.

Bottling It Up

Bottling It Up


A Life-Saving Blessing

When Lydia discovered that she was pregnant, however, she knew that she had to put the bottle down for good, or risk endangering her baby’s health. This was something that she was happy to do, and she found it relatively easy to quit the habit with another person’s life depending on her. But Lydia would still need another kind of recreation, and hopefully, one that was not extreme. She was the type of person that needed an outlet for her stress.

A Life Saving Blessing

A Life Saving Blessing