Man Makes A Life-Changing Discovery When He Stumbles Upon A Gold Mine

Published on 12/23/2019

Can’t See Inside

While for some, not knowing what was on the other side would be enough to steer them away, and even though Christoper was not usually the adventurous type to go exploring down dark tiny tunnels, and despite the authorities advising against it, this time he couldn’t let it go, his curiosity fueled his determination. The tunnel was simply too dark to peek in and discover what was inside. He would need to take things a step further to be certain about what this little opening actually was.

Can Not See Inside

Can Not See Inside


Stumbling Upon Gold Mines

When Christopher purchased the home, it was not disclosed that there were any mines located on the property. He discovered them purely out of curiosity. He recalls saying: “When we bought the house, nobody ever told us about the fact that the estate had a lot of mines on it. We just sort of stumbled upon the gold mine one day and that was it. When I first saw it, I was so excited that I almost fell over myself. The only thing that I could think about was Indiana Jones and underground railroads.”

Stumbling Upon Gold Mines

Stumbling Upon Gold Mines