Man Makes A Life-Changing Discovery When He Stumbles Upon A Gold Mine

Published on 12/23/2019

Odd Structural Opening

He soon realized it was an opening of some sort. At first, Christopher was not sure if it had been made of an animal of some sort or if it was man-made. Whatever it was it made Christopher extremely curious and he simply could not ignore this nagging feeling to explore it further. He knew that he needed to inspect this further, but he also knew this might be a route he would have to see through to the end, no going back.

Odd Structural Opening

Odd Structural Opening


Dark Tunnel

The tunnel was covered by mud and fallen leaves. But on closer examination, it was obvious that it had not been created by an animal, but by a human or humans! There was also no doubt that whoever had created this dark opening had abandoned it quite some time ago. Christopher’s findings were simply so intriguing that he could not walk away and he felt somewhat obliged to explore further, even though he was uncertain about what may be lurking within.

Dark Tunnel

Dark Tunnel