The Wedding Crasher Who Wanted Revenge On His Cheating Ex, The Bride

Published on 05/19/2020

Professional Opinion

Dr. Burckhardt begins the video by commenting on how people will act out against problems by exiting “out of the relationship” and shifting to other people, while ironically still being technically committed to their partner. The dissatisfied individual wishes for intimacy and calmness, as well as for other values desperately needed. It is true that many people will not get everything that they need out of a monogamous relationship and need more from other people.

Professional Opinion

Professional Opinion


Eye For An Eye

Returning to our story, Sarah finished reading the disturbing messages and put her phone away. She was not sure of the reasons why her man cheated, but she was certain they were inexcusable. No matter what she had done wrong, nothing could justify his actions. She then suffered from insomnia, restless over the fact that her “big day” had been paid for and the attendees were flocking in. She decided that the show had to go on.

Eye For An Eye

Eye For An Eye