Sarah obviously took everything to the core of her being. The hideous reality had been laid bare, there was nothing else to say. She began weeping, commenting that, “Every word was like a dagger in my heart.” Sarah was previously oblivious to her man’s infidelity. But every beautiful word, every hug and kiss, every magical date all turned into ashes. Most people would suffer a nervous breakdown if they were in Sarah’s shoes, but she was made of stronger stuff.

Before we continue with the story, it is important to understand why people cheat in the first place. Dr. Rowan Burckhardt discussed a couple of motivators regarding cheating in a relevant video. The doctor described the initial reason for cheating as stemming from some form of issue inside the relationship. The second one was that a betraying lover could have stopped loving their partner, or worse, did not in the first place. These people stay in a loveless relationship out of convenience or pity.
