The Wedding Crasher Who Wanted Revenge On His Cheating Ex, The Bride

Published on 05/19/2020

His Lips Were Sealed

One of the main points of Dino’s master plan was that Samantha should grow to fear the color red. Dino ensured that a few dozen individual red-colored lipsticks were delivered to her home, all sent out of a mixture of Amazon salespeople, which were all covered with prepaid credit cards! Samantha, who failed to trace the source, but knew exactly who sent them. She spent the day in pieces, and every time that her doorbell rang, she nearly had a nervous breakdown.

His Lips Were Sealed

His Lips Were Sealed



As if this wasn’t enough, Dino also positioned a red sharpie on Samantha’s windshield in a sneaky threat. He had become her worst nightmare, the invisible threat that stalked her and placed constant reminders of her impending doom in intimate places. When the wedding finally arrived, Samantha’s nerves were wracked, paranoid of the threat of red paint. She had good reason to be afraid. Although the pair had not crossed paths for a couple of years, Samantha could not forget how their relationship had concluded.

