The One Triplet Who Was Born Into Much Medical Curiosity

Published on 06/04/2020

All Together

Rachel and Aaron entered the process of adoption openly and were incredibly rewarded for their efforts. Rachel was assured that she wanted four or five children but was amazed at how rapidly it all came to be. The kids are full of vitality and joy. They are lucky to have such incredible parents who are raising them correctly with morality and goodness. We are certain that these tots will mature with the same compassion, gentleness, and positivity that their parents possess.

All Together

All Together


Looking Ahead

So, do the mega parents want more children? The answer is rather vague, and they will leave it to later years to decide. They certainly have their hands full for the time being! They just want to make the most of the moment for now. Obviously, their large and exciting family is more than satisfactory. Rachel and Aaron wish to motivate more people to look to embryo adoption. The couple continues to maintain their missionary work.

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead