Smooth Sailing
This couple was committed to embracing the extensive procedure once they were satisfied that they were ready. The program involved Rachel taking the embryos the whole way, fulfilling the pregnancy process. The pair’s commitments became the core of their pact. Aaron commented that both Christians and others with similar values had a duty to become invested in embryo adoption, to the point where they are personally involved. The two confirmed their agreement and contacted the National Embryo Donation Center, commencing their incredible journey.
Rachel was euphoric to commence the whole journey, but also understandably nervous about certain things. Certainly, her anxieties were justified, given how much stress she was bound to encounter along the way. She was headed for a process of treatments to facilitate her reproductive system for embryo development. Thankfully, there were no issues. During late 2015, in September, Rachel commenced her preparations for in-vitro fertilization. The couple began biding their time, awaiting their fates. This form of ‘adoption’ is quite challenging in different ways.