Side Hustle Ultimatum: Policewoman in Germany Instructed To Choose Between Job or Instagram Influencer Gig

Published on 06/17/2020

A Change of Tone Within The Police Force

As a result of the decision to focus on her police work, Adrienne’s peers have respected her a lot more, citing her decision to make the “hard” choice as the right one. They were not altogether as phased as the management was about her posts. There was greater concern about her safety in a city where she would be well known for being famous and working on the force. Relying on your colleagues in this kind of job is paramount to anything else.

A Change Of Tone Within The Police Force

A Change Of Tone Within The Police Force


Sharing Important Life Changes

Shortly after her return to work, Adrienne did however use her social media platforms to announce to the world that she had split from her boyfriend of a decade. Her post was detailed, talking about the ways that she and her ex had supported each other through thick and thin. Through all the highs and lows, they both did a lot of growing, and now they were ready to do some growing as individuals as well. Her post struck a chord with fans who had gone through breakups, allowing her to connect with her audience and to get extra support as she embarked on a brand new chapter in her life.

Sharing Important Life Changes

Sharing Important Life Changes