Side Hustle Ultimatum: Policewoman in Germany Instructed To Choose Between Job or Instagram Influencer Gig

Published on 06/17/2020

Needed at the Police Force

At the time, Germany had a shortage of police officers, which is why she was asked to return back from her six-month unpaid vacation and get back to work. The German police force needed every hand on deck to keep the peace and deal with the administration side. Without giving it too much thought, she agreed that she would need to return as soon as possible. This left lots of questions about the status of her social media influencer job.

Needed At The Police Force

Needed At The Police Force


Making a Tough Call, Changing Her Lifestyle Forever

There are not a lot of people who would shy away from a life of fame and fortune in order to pursue a day job that is much harder and gives you much less earning potential. Adrienne knew why she had joined the force in the first place, which meant that she always knew that it would be the most important part of her professional goals. In a shocking twist, she chose what felt right, not what felt easy.

Making A Tough Call Changing Her Lifestyle Forever

Making A Tough Call Changing Her Lifestyle Forever