The First Of Many Discoveries
As with many hobbyists, this kind of work involves a little bit of skill and a lot of luck. Having dug here before in the past, he knew there were some coins in the area, none of which had a particularly large value.

The First Of Many Discoveries
As fate would have it, the first discovery he made was just what he was anticipating: a coin. His heart sinking slightly, it was only once he had rubbed off the dirt, did he start to get excited again. This was unlike any of the coins he had found in this area before. In fact, he didn’t recognise the coin at all.
Motivation To Keep Going
On second glance, he wondered whether the artefact he had stumbled onto was a coin at all. It held a similar shape, but it had very uncommon engravings, along with what looked like a code or message. Mike could not make out exactly what it was, even after a few minutes of trying to figure it out.

Motivation To Keep Going
Strangely enough, the coin had what looked to be a ring attached to it too. This led to speculation that it may have at some point been attached to a chain of sorts. Deciding to refocus his attention, he knew that the hard work wasn’t over, and he got to digging into the muddy soil once again.