The Grandchild Who Uncovered Their Grandparent’s Deep Dark Secret Beneath Their Home’s Flooring

Published on 06/11/2020

Lethal Vintage

You might have remembered that EvilEnglish’s grandfather was a gun nut? Well, EvilEnglish wasn’t that surprised to find the second safe stuffed with a vintage arsenal. He didn’t really know what to do with these historical weapons, as clearly, your everyday gun store wouldn’t happily buy these undocumented pistols.

Lethal Vintage

Lethal Vintage

EvilEnglish would then carry on scouring through the property but failed to stumble upon anything remarkably interesting. It was now time to face an intense moral dilemma: whether to preserve his grandparents’ dear heirlooms, or pawn them off for a huge amount of money?


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EvilEnglish decided that he needed some help with this tough choice, so he decided to share his story with the globally populated message board, Reddit. Here he detailed the entire story we’ve been exploring together and how much secret bounty he had stumbled upon.

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Viral Publication

Plenty of the more upstanding Redditors urged EvilEnglish to keep the valuables within the family, as mementos of the adored grandparents. Some believed that the extent of the decay the treasures suffered meant that they wouldn’t fetch more than a few hundred dollars. Then there were those who insisted that these antiques still held a lot of worth, despite having crumbled over time…