The Humble Furniture
Curiously, the Redditor became even more suspicious of the secret stash upon shifting it out of the sealed room. His mind burned with all manner of questions, such as why his elders had never bothered to reveal the pirate stash to them. It was then settled: the Redditor would turn the house upside down looking for any other secret gems. His search eventually brought him to an ordinary coffee table, which was extraordinarily placed…

The Humble Furniture
Initially, EvilEnglish merely passed off the faded table as more trash to be cleared out. But when he failed to remember its presence before while growing up, a lightbulb popped up in his head. The table had to be thoroughly investigated! Upon removing a drawer, a very strange point of interest caught his attention…
The Next Bounty
What could EvilEnglish have found in this drawer? You guessed it, another safe! Secret stash number two was bound to be brimming with gems, or so he thought. His elders had to be praised for their squirreling abilities! In merely a couple of days, the youthful gentleman uncovered two of the deceased relatives’ major mysteries.

The Next Bounty
The excitement continued pumping. EvilEnglish made his way to a workbench and placed the new safe, and had little trouble prying open the tinier lockbox. This find was not very kosher, as it turned out. In fact, it was rather sinister!