An Endorsement From A Sports Hero
Keaton loved football and was bowled over when Delanie Walker put a video up on his Instagram account giving his opinion on bullying as being deplorable. He extorted those suffering from this in their daily lives to be strong and get help. He urged kids to not suffer in silence, as they were accustomed to doing. He intended to help Keaton get the word out to help as many kids as possible. That is not all he had to offer…

An Endorsement From A Sports Hero
The Football League
His team, the Tennessee Titans joined up with Delanie in inviting Keaton to come to a very important game against the Jaguars. With this invite accepted, Keaton and his family met the team and all his most loved players. Suddenly, a kid that had been considered ‘lame’ by his bullies had more star power behind him than many celebrities do. He was not only hanging out with some phenomenal people, but bullying was finally being stood up to.

The Football League