‘Pack Mentality’
The sharks were most likely juvenile bull or black tips, according to Chris Schieble, head of marine fisheries for the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. He said the sharks mistaken the men’s hands for fish. “It’s true that there are more bull and black tip sharks around right now, however…” Schieble stated. “When they are in big numbers, they have a mindset similar to that of a pack and become more aggressive in their pursuit of food.” According to Talbot’s estimations, the sharks had already started attacking the guys around an hour before they were rescued. According to Schieble, “a horrible scenario” might have been caused if the guys hadn’t been rescued from the water at the precise moment that they were. Their blood may have lured in other carnivorous creatures.

Pack Mentality
Injured By Stinging Jellyfish
According to Le, in addition to being attacked by sharks, the guys were often stung by jellyfish. He made a shape with his hands that was larger than a basketball and stated, “On the middle of the night I woke up with a jellyfish this huge in my lap.” He was referring to the size of the creature.

Injured By Stinging Jellyfish