Getting Exhausted
Stone says that they were in such an exhausted state that they could not even feel worry. On the television show, three of the Coast Guard men who rescued Le and Nguyen were brought back to shore and gave them a chance of new life. Nguyen, who was obviously agitated, said, “I just remember him picking me up and taking me out of the water.” “Wow, I made it,” he thought at the time. “I just remember him holding me up and carrying me out of the water.”

Getting Exhausted
Linked To An Oil Rig
According to Scott Talbot, a search and rescue specialist for the Eighth Coast Guard District, three best buddies, aged 39, 41, and 43, set sail early on Saturday morning on a center-console boat that was about 24 feet in length. They had made plans to fish in the area around an oil rig in Venice. On the other hand, the sea was choppy since a frontal boundary had brought with it strong winds from the north. According to Le, the lads moored the boat to an oil rig in water that had been fished on a number of occasions in the past. The waves, according to him, became “worse and worse” as time went on, and at some point, he observed that the boat was taking on “a lot of water.” “As soon as the rear of the boat began taking on water, I ordered everyone to put on their life vests,” said Le, who was wearing a Saints shirt while appearing on a national morning program. The search and rescue operation coordinator for the Coast Guard Sector New Orleans, Lieutenant Commander Kevin Keefe, said that all three of the men were discovered wearing life jackets when they were located. Keefe said that if they hadn’t been using the flotation devices, “things may have turned out very differently.”

Linked To An Oil Rig