Dog Appreciative Of Kindness Cried Like A Human

Published on 02/03/2020

A Long Wait

If the dog didn’t have such high trust issues, the rescue would have been completed in a much shorter time. But Eldad and Loreta were willing to be patient with her, and getting her out by force was out of the picture. Patience is one of the most important virtues of a dog rescuer, and those that do it for a living or in their free time will happily spend hours or days trying to secure a stray dog safely and peacefully.

A Long Wait

A Long Wait


Aborting Help Tactic

But at some stage, a dog rescuer has to be bold and try their luck, especially in this case where the dog seemed completely uncooperative or interested in any of their baiting tactics. It was time for Loreta to go in for the rescue, as there seemed to be no other way. At one point, Loreta placed a lasso around her neck, but the dog’s reaction triggered her to release. It was too evident the dog was scared to death of everything that was happening.

Aborting Help Tactic

Aborting Help Tactic