Mision Safety
When there was no other option, the dog would have to come out, and the team would be there awaiting her. However, the real question on hand was how long the dog would take to come out. Although the dog could not last forever without food or water, it had proven itself to be incredibly tough and could easily go on for days without further sustenance. Loreta and Eldad had to cancel every plan for the rest of the day to try and save this scared dog.

Mision Safety
Holding Out
The dog was bombarded with a helping hand on both openings of the buildings he was trying to hide. Eldad had one end, and Loreta had the next waiting for her to give up and just let them save her. Hours had passed by this stage, and despite how tired they were both beginning to feel, their enthusiasm had not wained. They were in this for the long run, and Eldad videoed the whole scene on his phone.

Holding Out