Consider These Creative Examples If You Want To Leave a Note on a Car Windshield

Published on 07/30/2020

The Scan Proves You Are Brainless

Creative, yes. Harsh, absolutely. When a talented artist gets their hands on a piece of paper after getting annoyed with a bad parker, the result is a drawing of an X-ray scan “proving” that the person doesn’t have a brain in their heads. Ouch. You might be wondering what was so offensively drawn within the skull that it had to be blocked out, but you might be able to guess if you look at the whole scene carefully.

The Scan Proves You Are Brainless

The Scan Proves You Are Brainless


A Lucky Escape

Luckily for this bad driver, the note writer was too tired to actually call the tow truck company to have the car moved. Had this not been the case, they may have had to pay to get the car released from being impounded. Consider this a lucky escape and a learning opportunity, driver! Whoever wrote this note seems to deliver justice based on their energy levels, and this wrongful parker is lucky that there was no Starbucks nearby.

A Lucky Escape

A Lucky Escape