Consider These Creative Examples If You Want To Leave a Note on a Car Windshield

Published on 07/30/2020

Regardless of where you live in the world, the chances are that at some point during the day you might encounter someone rude or inconsiderate. Whether this happens while you’re driving somewhere, you get parked in during the course of your day, or you will find yourself having to deal with someone who is just plain self-centered, having some inspiration for creative notes you can leave the person might end up going a long way to make yourself feels better, and to teach them a quick lesson. The following list of interesting and funny notes, alongside some suggestions, should give you some ideas as to what other people have done when facing a similar situation.

Shouting To Get Your Point Across

Anybody who grew up in the digital age will know that when you receive something in ALL CAPS, it usually means that someone is very excited or really angry with you. If you get a note on your car windshield in all caps, you’re probably in some kind of trouble. In the note below, you can see that the person who left it was upset at the parking skills of the person they were leaving a note for. At the end of the day, all caps will probably be taken less seriously, as people don’t tend to respond well to being preached at. Worse yet, the note is passive-aggressive too!

Shouting To Get Your Point Across

Shouting To Get Your Point Across


Not Exactly a Love Letter

If you receive a note starting with “Dear”, you’re probably hoping and assuming that it will be a love letter of sorts. As the next example suggests, this wasn’t the case for a driver who decided to make room to park by moving the trash cans in front of a house. While it started off “nice”, the passive aggressiveness is spewing by the end of it, topped off with a “hate you” at the end, which is a very cold touch if we’ve ever seen one.

Not Exactly A Love Letter

Not Exactly A Love Letter