50 Custom Car Wraps You Definitely Should See

Published on 06/16/2020

“The Fastest Express Service”

This is how DHL gets clever and relevant. This commercial wrap is clearly a play on the tag line of the company – “The Fastest Express Service.” We wonder how many people made a double-take at a stoplight upon seeing this van pull up next to them! We do hope that the drivers do not become inspired by their vans’ aesthetic upgrades, however, as we would prefer to have our parcels a bit later than expected than see serious accidents occurring.

The Fastest Express Service

The Fastest Express Service


Pulls No Punches

Wow, it seems that in the Netherlands, you have to be thick-skinned to join the local weight watchers chapter. This wrap that the Lowe advertising agency designed definitely pulls no punches. It’s way too funny not to share with the general internet public. Enjoy! That being said, the modern politically correct sensibilities might not take too kindly to this fat-shaming stunt. There are those among us that struggle with unwanted stares on public transport without Weight Watchers weighing in.

Pulls No Punches

Pulls No Punches