The Dark Place With The Darker Secret
Despite its weight, the suitcase was rather tiny. He wondered whether anything of worth could have been fit inside. It seemed that in this case, the size of the object did not matter. Whatever was concealed, it was worth going to great efforts to be hidden. The more Rick considered the outlandish mission behind the stashing of the suitcase, the more he felt compelled to open it. He felt like a child again, sitting by the Christmas tree looking at his wrapped presents.

The Dark Place With The Darker Secret
Don’t Think Too Much
Rick soon found that he was growing unreasonable. His mind felt scattered, and he could feel himself getting giddy. Just what was taking Kelly so long? This was one of the most exciting thing that happened to the couple in many years. As Rick started feeling frustrated over his wife’s lateness, he heard the front doors open. He scooped up the suitcase and rushed upstairs. Kelly was nearly bowled over when her husband rushed up to her with childlike excitement.

Dont Think Too Much