Plumbing The Depths
The committed couple soon realized, to their astonishment, that they had only broken the surface of the suitcase’s contents. There were more treasures waiting for the couple. They were committed to seeing this thing through to the end and plunged their hands even deeper into the suitcase. To their amazement, towards the bottom of the suitcase were fifty and even one-hundred-dollar notes. They were growing hysterical – they had underestimated just how much money was inside this modern-day treasure chest.

Plumbing The Depths
Fears Grow
The more money they discovered, the more pressing their concerns grew. The questions were mounting like the dollar bills before them. Rick would later inform reporters that the later packages they tore open contained greater valued notes than they had previously discovered. With some rough estimation, the couple landed on a figure of around $5,000 in total, and that was a humble calculation. It was clear that this was far more than the couple could handle.

Fears Grow