Resting Inside The Car
The Miller family did not come until a pretty late hour on the first day, when it was already dark outside. They were all as exhausted as could be, so the family decided to simply sleep in the van for the time being and set up the tent as soon as they woke up in the morning. That way, they would be able to sit back and rest. Even while it wasn’t going to be the most comfortable option, it was going to be far simpler and quicker than putting up a tent when it was dark outside and they were already exhausted.

Resting Inside The Car
Dead Silence
Jason worked harder than the rest of his family to maintain his alert state and even got out of the van to use the restroom rather than falling asleep. He had been warned about some weird noises by a coworker, and he was attempting to listen for them, but the night remained strangely calm. He tried coming closer to the water, but he was unable to pick up any sounds coming from it. There was nothing to be found beyond the horizon.

Dead Silence