Safest Spot To Open
They planned to examine the contents of the bag after they had returned to the campground. They regarded it as the spot in this broad area that offered the highest level of safety. Nevertheless, navigating this river in the opposite direction proved to be an even more difficult task than doing it in the forward direction. There is a possibility that paddling upstream on the river is not worth the effort. Which way did they go in order to get back?

Safest Spot To Open
Trudged The High Grounds
They began their trek across the hills while carrying the brown bag that they had previously placed in the boat, after which they had dragged it up. After a certain amount of time had passed, the bag went back to making the same noises that it had been making before. When compared to earlier, the sound was far more challenging to pick up. They began their trek back, but while they were on the road, an unexpected event had a place. They were caught off guard by the development.

Trudged The High Grounds