Not Lingering
But beyond the strange similarities in Heidi’s story, Kay was beginning to feel slightly apprehensive about everything. Aside from feeling a little strange about the situation, and with her gut instinct still in tow, Kay decided that she was just going to celebrate her daughter’s joy that night. She was not about to voice her negative opinions and ruin the evening for everyone. Her odd feeling about the situation would soon be proved correct, in fact.

Not Lingering
Onto the Formalities
While everyone felt a little odd about the holiday story, even though they couldn’t quite put their finger on it, the conversation did eventually move to the formalities of the night, namely that Heidi and Ed finally shared that they intended to get married by the end of the year. Whatever weirdness had been building between them instantly dissolved with this exhilarating announcement. The couple had just dropped an exciting bomb on the evening’s proceedings!

Onto The Formalities