Suspended Soil Bed
A suspended soil bed brings an added area for bringing extra plants out of the garden at large. Sadly, a lack of proper facilities can make constructing one quite challenging. However, a speedy method of securing one is to purchase several cinderblocks. Next, position them in a rectangular fashion within a sizeable place with new soil. Shrubs can now enter this area, safely held within your new special plot. Use this picture as a reference – this guy knows exactly what he is doing!

Suspended Soil Bed
Plant Labels
Following a successful seed planting session, a challenge comes in keeping track of every plant. This management can be achieved by using pot markers. This is best done by rescuing used wine corks and sticking them on spikes, and then writing the strains of plants upon corks before placing them into the dirt by the plants. So, keep your corks after you pop open a delicious bottle of wine and put them to good use!

Plant Labels