Unclear Messages
While the placement of an ashtray usually signals that smoking is allowed in the area, a ‘no smoking’ sign obviously indicates the exact opposite. Here, we can see the staff are unsure whether guests may or may not smoke in this specific room.
Maybe this is a subtle way of trying to convince guests to kick the bad habit once and for all. However, no smoker would know what to do when confronted with this confusing ashtray…
Nothing To See Here
It goes without saying that behind every curtain, there is a window. However, in certain situations, such as this one, behind the curtain, there is no more than a boring wall. This reminds us of those Looney Tunes moments where the character runs straight into a wall thinking that it was an exit! Hopefully, the pictured gentleman did not fall for the same trap, but you can be sure that he was highly disturbed to find that his room was a lot more claustrophobic than he had been led to believe.