When The Job Needs To Get Done
There are times when an important job simply needs to be done even though proper equipment is not yet available. However, this should not be one of those times. Improving often leads to disaster when construction jobs are the topic in question. Proper equipment exists for a very good reason! It’s far too late for these guys to heed the proper advice, so Mr. Yellow Cap better keep a firm grip on his buddy’s ankles!

When The Job Needs To Get Done
Not The Best Idea
Unfortunately, common sense is not something everyone has instant access to. This photo is the perfect example of a bad idea that will inevitably result in a painful disaster. We can only hope and pray that this machine is not plugged in and these men are simply joking… We have been inspired by this deadly duo and strongly believe that construction worker magic shows need to be a thing. No one knows how to pull off tricks with potentially lethal power tools better, after all!

Not The Best Idea